
性健康和生殖健康服务方面1 性健康和生殖健康服务方面2 PDF文件


联系 TitanMED to schedule an appointment; walk-ins also welcome. 看到 资格和费用 有关费用.


  • 急症护理诊所  
  • 远程医疗和现场预约  
  • 初级护理
  • 家庭协议 
  • 长效可逆避孕(LARC)  
  • 药物流产(MAB) (sb24 -大学生访问权法案)  

    • TitanMED clinical assistance 和 referrals (on 和 off campus)  
    • 下班后咨询热线
    • Price ranges $50-$100 with resources available for students who need financial assistance



  • 怀孕测试  
  • STI测试  
    • 艾滋病毒  
    • 衣原体  
    • 梅毒  
    • 淋病  
  • 人民行动党考试  









  • 生育控制
  • 紧急避孕法  
  • 准备药物*  






  • 性健康意识小组(SHAG)  
  • 演讲 (申请表) 和 1-on-1 Consultations (call 657-278-2851 for an appointment)  
    • 妊娠选择咨询*  
    • 性传播感染预防教育  
    • 障碍/避孕选项  
    • 卫生的示威游行  
    • 性和关系沟通技巧  


  •  学生保密资源, 教师, 以及受到性侵犯影响的员工, 约会暴力/关系, 跟踪, 性骚扰, 基于性别的暴力, 以及相关经历  
  • 倡导服务包括:情感支持 & safety planning; assistance with supportive measure requests; individual advocacy counseling 和 support groups; information & 陪同体检, 执法人员访谈, 行政会议, 法院的听证会, 和 other appointment or processes on 和 off campus
  • Education 和 awareness programs for the campus community on sexual violence related topics 和 fostering a culture of care
  • Confidential Advocates also offer 怀孕的选择 consultations.

安排会议 与校园机密倡导者或电子邮件联系 titanthrive@sitecata.com 了解更多信息.





















步骤1 & 2: 担心怀孕?

  • 接触TitanMED to make a same day appointment 和 take a no-cost pregnancy test.   

步骤3: 确认怀孕.  

步骤4: 将与临床医生进行讨论. 使用 预产期计算器 to determine how far along you are in your pregnancy. 

  • 如果怀孕少于10周/70天, MAB appointment will be scheduled 和临床医生一起.  
  • If the pregnancy is 71 days or more, clinical provider will discuss off-campus referrals.  

步骤5: If MAB is chosen, the clinical provider will explain 药物治疗 步骤.  

步骤6: A referral to 咨询 和 心理服务 (CAPS) is offered.  

第七步: Clinical staff will schedule a follow-up appointment 1-2 weeks after you take the 药物治疗 to confirm it was successful 和 see how you are doing.

药物流产(MAB) Frequently Asked Questions

Will my parent/guardian find out I am receiving these services?
在泰坦医疗中心接受任何服务, including our sexual health 和 reproductive services, 是根据HIPAA规定保密的吗. Your parents/guardians will not know you have received services unless you have documented consent granting them access to your health records. Consent can be revoked at any time; contact us for more info.


我想多了解一些避孕方法. 我可以和谁说话?
Call (657) 278-2851 to schedule an appointment with our TitanWELL health educator for a consultation.


I’ve decided which birth control method is right for me. 现在?
Call (657) 278-2800 to schedule a “birth control start” appointment with a provider.


 Which off-campus clinics does TitanHEALTH offer referrals to?


家庭协议 is a California statewide program with several health centers in-network. TitanMED staff assist with verifying eligibility 和 enrollment. 一旦注册, you can use this coverage to access 生殖健康服务 at TitanHEALTH or off campus at participating clinics.


不,不是的. You must apply 和 meet set criteria to qualify for 家庭协议. If approved, it will cover family planning 和 related 生殖健康服务在新窗口中打开 . It does not cover pregnancy care or abortion services.


If I already have a primary care physician outside of TitanHEALTH, can I still receive services 和 a prescription for birth control?
是的,您仍然可以在我们这里接受服务. To use our pharmacy or get a new prescription, you must first see one of our medical providers.


Can I bring my own outside birth control prescription 和 get it filled at the TitanHEALTH 药店?
No, our pharmacy only fills 药物治疗 prescribed by our TitanMED providers.


If I got a LARC inserted outside of TitanHEALTH, can I still get it removed at TitanHEALTH?
Call (657) 278-2800 to schedule an appointment with a provider to medically assess next 步骤 for a removal.


What types of abortion services are there 和 what are the differences?
有两种堕胎服务 药物流产在新窗口中打开 程序上的堕胎在新窗口中打开 (手术). 泰坦健康只提供药物流产.


Why is TitanHEALTH offering 药物流产 services?
自2023年1月1日起生效 参议院第24号法案在新窗口中打开 (also known as the College Student Right to Access Act), abortion by 药物治疗 (MAB) must be offered at each publicly funded university health center in California.


 我做了个检查,发现我怀孕了. 我有什么选择?


I am interested in an abortion but my pregnancy is further along than 10 weeks, 泰坦健康能为我提供什么服务?
TitanHEALTH does not offer 药物治疗 abortion to students who are more than 10 weeks along in their pregnancy. We refer out to community resources for abortion services for pregnancies further than 10 weeks along 和 can make a referral to a counselor at CAPS.




Who can support me before, during, or after my 药物治疗 abortion at TitanHEALTH?
Nursing staff provides support during your initial pregnancy test appointment. Once a positive test is determined, a provider will provide a 怀孕的选择 consultation. A nurse case manager provides follow up two weeks after your 药物流产. 我们也会提供给CAPS顾问的推荐.


Is emergency contraception a form of 药物流产?
No, emergency contraception prevents you from becoming pregnant. 它不会引发流产.




早期堕胎选择 PDF文件  


关于米非司酮和米索前列醇的事实 PDF文件
